Szanowni Doktoranci,

Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w cyklu webinariów adresowanych do doktorantów organizowanych wspólnie przez Ambasady Francji w Polsce, Czechach, Słowacji, Węgrzech i Austrii pt: „Your PhD in France”.

Zaplanowano  4 tematyczne seminaria internetowe na następujące tematy: nauki przyrodnicze, nauki społeczne, nauki o zdrowiu i życiu oraz sztuczna inteligencja stosowana w środowisku.

Aby wziąć udział w webinarach, zarejestruj się, wypełniając  formularz (co najmniej jeden dzień przed datą odbycia wybranych webinarów):

The French Embassies in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia organize the first edition of the online event „Your PhD in France”.

This event will take place from January 19th to February 3rd and will consist of a series of webinars. We will start with a general webinar to get you acquainted with the research landscape in France and the basics of doctoral studies, including funding opportunities. 4 thematic webinars will follow, on the following topics: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Health and Life sciences and Artificial Intelligence applied to Environment.

During these webinars, you will be able to listen to, meet and ask questions to representatives of Doctoral Schools in French universities, Campus France, Alumni and other important French stakeholders. If you want to know more about research in France, are considering enrolling in a PhD Program abroad or simply spending some time abroad for your research project, this event is for you! France is a world leader in scientific research and we will give you all the information you need to experience it!

To attend the webinars, please register by filling this form (at least one day prior to the date the chosen webinars are taking place)

Natural Sciences: 26/01/2021

Social Sciences: 27/01/2021

Health & Life Sciences: 02/02/2021

Artificial Intelligence applied to Environment: 03/02/2021